Captain’s Blog: Stardate 10032023.1

One of the constants of working on a Starbase is that change can come abruptly. A few weeks ago, my commanding officer of 2 years came to my station with tears in her eyes and suddenly announced that it would be her last day. This comes on the heels of her superior officer (and the guy that hired me) informing the station of his sudden retirement. Just like that, we have a new captain (program manager).

Officer Bella in an ancient cavern

Given that anyone could potentially access the blog, I can’t really elaborate on the reactions of others to the changes. I will state that I have mixed feelings about what has happened. I did get a chance to speak with the admiral (organization executive) and another senior official at a luncheon with the rest of the starbase (work) crew.

I applied for the open command post (supervisor) at starbase 701 (work). Im hopeful for the extra pip on my uniform (a promotion). I genuinely believe that I am the best officer for the position. I am quite familiar with the personalities, wants and needs of the crew on the starbase, the overall mission and the individuals we serve. Still, there is no certainty that I’ll get the position.

Officers Noah leaps into action!

There’ll probably be a few other individuals that will seem better on paper than me. Plus, I don’t interview well. Everyone always tells me to practice but I’d rather genuinely be me than to be another in a long line of smooth talking hypocrites. Unfortunately, more often than not those that play the game win.

One only has to look at history and current society to see that the sociopaths usually succeed. These narcissistic liars, exploiters and manipulators often rise to power, taking advantage of the trust and vulnerabilities of the majority, leaving a trail of chaos and suffering in their wake.

Yet, despite this they are venerated and celebrated, often masking their true intentions behind charisma and charm, leading many to overlook their destructive actions and the consequences that follow. Still… I won’t stop trying to be the change I want to see in the world in spite of the strong headwinds.

Officer Dusty, Missing In Action

In other news, the main crew (the kids) are back at Starfleet Academy (school). Casanova, aka officer Santino has a new girlfriend. Officer Noah is thrilled to have transferred academies. Ensign Bella has coped well given that another Caitan, lieutenant Dusty has gone MIA during an away mission and hasn’t been seen in weeks.

I would normally be hopeful or uncertain but I seemed to get a very definitive and clear spiritual message indicating that Dusty passed away. I relayed the message to the crew. They didn’t seem to fully believe me and I’m okay with that.

The view from Pollockus 2

I think I’m done trying to convince myself or others of what is or isn’t possible. At this point, I’m far more interested in seeing how I could utilize this budding understanding of the world and work towards manifesting a better existence for as many as I can. I don’t forsee a large quantitative impact but hopefully it’ll be a qualitative improvement for those I’m around.

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